Hi there! Welcome to Ramsey Succulents. We are a large succulent supplier in Vista California. We ship and deliver live succulent plants nationwide. If you need a succulent supplier we would love an opportunity to be your source!


For wholesale purchases we sell by the tray and we have a minimum order of $100.00

2 inch succulent trays (64 succulents) $35.00 (0.55 per each succulent plant).

4 inch succulent trays (20 succulents) $35.00 ($1.75 per each succulent plant).

6 inch succulent tray (9 succulents) $45.00 ($5.00 per each succulent plant).

8 inch $15.00/each.

We have tons of succulents available, you can mainly check out what we have in stock here: https://www.ramseysucculents.com/collections/succulents

We specialize in 2 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch, and 8 inch. We have echeveria, sedum, aeonium, crassula, graptosedum, etc.

We offer shipping/delivery, delivery will be quoted once we have the quantity needed.

To place an order or if you have any questions please email us at: ramseysucculents@gmail.com

You can also call or text us at 949-241-9698

Thanks so much!
